The point-to-point equestrian trek is unguided and for experienced horseback riders only who are confident and capable of looking after horses unaided by a guide, offering a wonderful opportunity to see rural France at its best. For fit horseback riders.
A luxurious farmhouse short break in the French countryside of Burgundy with the possibility of unguided relaxed riding around the farm.
Explore the Pyrenean Mountains in a beautiful area redolent in history, This is a superb equestrian trail in the rugged countryside near the Spanish border. Guided or unguided trails with comfortable lodgings and excellent meals.
This unguided equestrian program exploring the trails of the Morvan National Park is ideal for intermediate horseback riders with a sense of adventure. Plan your own route at your own pace, with a comfortable mix of accommodations in Gites and the equestrian center. All horseback riders are given a lesson in reading a 1/25000 map and compass. The riders then plan the daily route, decide the pace, and the hours in the saddle. Meals are supplied by the hosts, or riders can prepare them, and one of the host team will check on you and the horses daily - apart from that, you are on your own! There are fixed departures during the summer season, but additional out-of-season dates are available on request.
Travel 100 miles on horseback across the island of Crete on this adventurous unguided equestrian trail through remote mountains and friendly villages to the opposite coast. This trail is for intermediate and experienced horseback riders who are experienced in map-reading and caring for their horses.
A 7-Day self-guided equestrian trail along the Costa Brava for intermediate horseback riders, on responsive Andalusian horses, with comfortable accommodation along the way. A fun-filled and immersive time with the horses, the country and its people. Ideal for intermediate riders, this horseback trail visits historic sites in this scenic corner of north-east Spain. Ride across the undulating hilly landscape the golden beaches of the Costa Brava while following the Mediterranean coastline northwards towards France.
On this demanding unguided horseback trail, you do it your way! Perfect for riding with a partner or group of friends, decide your own pace and daily route. Ride through a diverse landscape over 7 days. The hosts handle the logistics of overnight stops, meals, and luggage transport, as well as stabling and feeding of the horses. This equestrian trail is for intermediate horseback riders only who are fit and adventurous.