When booking your holiday, protecting yourself is important. Once you leave home your current Health Service will stop. If you travel without insurance and suffer from an accident or injury there is a possibility of a large bill for treatment. Travel Insurance not only covers medical costs but can also provide additional cover for cancelled holidays, delays, lost luggage, etc. Cover may also be considered for pre-existing medical conditions.
Cover should cover the type of riding you will be doing and can be arranged based on your own individual requirements: individual traveller, couple, family and group cover for Single trips, Annual multi-trip or even Long Stay trips.
If you would like to receive a quotation or purchase cover from our Business Partner please click on the following link
Insurance quote (Link disabled, in the meantime if you would like to receive a quotation or purchase cover from our Business Partner please speak to your Travel Advisor)
Please note this insurance is currently only available to UK residents. Policies provided via this link cover horse riding as standard even if this is the main purpose of your holiday, whether or not you are required to wear riding helmets when riding. Some riding activities e.g. polo, hunting and jumping are currently excluded, please contact the insurer if you have any questions.
You will be asked to supply details of your insurance when booking with Unicorn Trails and other reputable companies. Many insurance companies routinely exclude horse riding and charge an excess to cover this. Please check any policy with the issuers.