Discover the World on Horseback with Unicorn Trails

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From the UK 

01767 600606 (4 lines)

8am- 8.30pm Monday to Friday

Scandinavian Office
Asviksvägen 7
196 93 KUNGSÄNGEN, Sweden

+46 (0)7084 35282

10am - 12pm  Monday to Friday
Telefontider i för Skandinaven är 10.00-12.00 men ofta är kontoret bemannat till 16.00 och ibland även till 17.00
From the USA or Canada
1 - 437 - 371 2822

1- 888 - 420 - 0964

EST 4am - 3.30pm
CST 3am - 2.30pm
MST 2am - 1.30pm
PST 1am - 12.30pm

From Europe
00 44 1767 600606

10am - 9.30pm Monday to Friday

Email us

Scandinavia email

Canada Office



Visit us UK
Ground Floor, 35a Saffron Road,
Bedfordshire, SG18 8DJ,

UK Holidays in 2025:
1 Jan; 18 & 21 April; 5 & 26 May; 25 August; 25 & 26 December.

Unicorn Trails will be closed on these dates.


We are always pleased to hear from you. Whether you want to check availability, chat about our rides, share your experiences, ask us to look at a ride / destination for you, comment on our Website, or simply dream with us, our doors are open.


The Unicorn Trails Team


Wendy Hofstee
Managing Director &
Travel Consultant
profile | e-mail

  Mary Wright
  Scandinavia Marketing

  profile | email

Sarah King
Senior Travel Consultant
Canada Office
profile | email


Freya McAllister
Travel Consultant
UK Office
profile email 

   Hannah Broom


    profile | email

Cailtin Sedgewick

Sales Consultant
profile | email


Alan Fuhri

Finance Manager
profile | email

Lisa Ward

Operations Manager
profile | email

Andrew Knapp

profile | email



Unicorn Trails was started in 1998 by Wendy Hofstee, a veterinary surgeon, traveller and horse lover. In her travels around the world, first with a backpack and later on horseback, she met many wonderful and knowledgeable horse men and women. They all had some unique knowledge of horses to share and incredible places to ride in. However there was also ignorance about horse care and poverty resulting in neglect of horses and bad riding holidays. There was obviously a need to select the best and share this knowledge more widely.
Unicorn Trails was created to hand pick a selection of the best riding holidays with horses in excellent condition.

Today Unicorn Trails and puts thousands of people into contact with different cultures, all sharing the common language of horsemanship. Unicorn Trails offers access to an extensive knowledge base of horse riding all over the world which is continuously being updated and extended and guarantees a knowledgeable service, happy horses in good health, small groups of riders and unspoilt natural environments.

Unicorn Trails quite naturally endorses responsible travel by virtue of the type of holidays organised. In addition many of the holidays featured support further community projects worldwide, see our Responsible Travel page for details. Unicorn Trails also has an Ethical Travel Charter - hints on how an individual can leave minimal impact on their travels.

Responsibility is not only for those travelling - Unicorn Trails has a guiding principle of acting fairly, honestly and openly in all our business dealings. This includes our customers as well as all the partners who help us provide a first class service in this complex business. We firmly believe that not only is this the only way to live well but that it is good for business in the long run. Undoubtedly this philosophy has been behind our unbroken increase in business every year since our establishment in 1999.

Unicorn Trails has been widely featured in the UK press such as The Daily Telegraph, Sunday Times, Financial Times as well as Equestrian magazines such as Horse and Hound, Horse, Ireland and England's Equestrian and countless travel magazines and Dr Hofstee is widely sought after as a speaker by organisations such as the BBC and the National Equine Forum.